About Vedic Meditation
What is Vedic Meditation?
The Veda is an ancient body of knowledge from the northwestern Indian subcontinent. It is the source of the arts and sciences of meditation, yoga, acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine, and all Eastern philosophy.
Vedic Meditation stems from this rich source, passed down through a lineage of sage teachers for over 5,000 years. It is effortless, and anyone can learn it. In Sanskrit, this meditation style is known as nishkam karma yoga, translated as “union by action hardly done.” It’s a natural mental technique that does not utilize concentration or effort. Instead, you will receive a personal mantra – a simple sound that dramatically de-excites the mind.
Twice daily, you’ll sit comfortably in a chair with your eyes closed for 20 minutes. During meditation, your body will experience a restful state that is much deeper than sleep. Afterwards, you’ll feel refreshed, with energy and clarity that will uplevel your experience of life.
Through this powerful practice, you will free yourself from a lifetime of accumulated stresses, accessing inner fulfillment and the full potential of your body and mind.
Vedic Meditation is not a religion. You don’t have to change your beliefs or give up margaritas, and this method of meditation is entirely portable. It doesn’t require apps, quiet studios, or fancy props. You’ll be able to get your meditation on, anywhere.

The super awesome benefits of Vedic Meditation.
A quick online search will produce tons of recent scientific studies that proclaim the remarkable benefits of Vedic Meditation. Here’s the CliffsNotes:
Radically reduce stress and anxiety
Improve sleep and have more energy
Increase productivity and adaptability
Optimize physical health and decrease pain
Cultivate stronger relationships
Access abundant creativity and playfulness
Feel a deeper connection to self and others
Experience happiness for no particular reason at all.
Real Meditators.
“After trying and failing to adopt a meditation practice for years, I had all but given up hope. I knew it would help me think more clearly, be less reactive, and be a better version of myself. But I just couldn't seem to stick with it. Then I found Vedic Meditation. It was the first practice that really ‘stuck’ with me. In spite of its relative simplicity, part of the difference maker was getting proper training. Five consistent years later, and I'm calmer, I sleep better, I think more clearly, and overall my life just feels easier. I honestly can't imagine how I would handle the ups and downs of entrepreneurship without it."
– Mark Fisher
“I eased into Vedic Meditation about a year ago with a small group led by Kyle Young. It has helped me more successfully navigate daily stressors of modern life while attempting to balance personal and professional responsibilities. During a recent hospital stay, meditation even allowed me to identify the source of an adverse reaction. This daily ‘come as you are’ practice of meditation has benefitted me precisely because of its ease of use. It works for me because it can be done almost anywhere, and I take it with me wherever I go.”
– Eileen Edmonds
“Growing up with a lot of fears revolving around meditation, it took Kyle's patient guidance and care to allow me to find healing and growth through this practice. I am grateful for the profound discoveries meditation has allowed me to experience – mentally, emotionally, and physically – and for Kyle's continued guidance and support throughout this journey."
– Israel Jiménez